10 effective measures to successfully prevent strikes in schools

Some schools adhere so much to their constant flow of affairs that they forget to foresee impending issues. When students strike, it then becomes some sort of mystery that they would probably not oversee.

However, there are several steps that you as a teacher can take to make sure that students are never forced to strike or demonstrate for any reason. They include;

1. Guidance and counseling

There is no single stage in the life of a student that guidance and counseling are rendered unnecessary. Students are there to be guided, and that’s why they are in the hands of their teachers. Here are some of the techniques that work well in the guiding process;

  • Reminding them of their history and/or background if necessary (but not in a way that will make them sensitive)
  • Using their religious or beliefs to make them humbler
  • Projecting what their future might look like if they fail to get themselves in line
  • Making them apologize and promise to change

Even adults need guidance, and that’s exactly why students should never convince you that they don’t need guidance. Also, it’s your responsibility as a teacher to talk to them before they go out of line in any way.

2. Improving communication with learners

To be honest, your communication skills as teachers and the school administration, plays a huge role in the maintenance of peace and stability of the school. This is because if communicated, grievances can be solved without the need of violence. Here’s how to improve the communication;

  • Collecting ideas from students on how to improve their welfare
  • Avoid making abrupt decisions without informing the students
  • Make communications in case you’re about to violate any of their expectations

To be honest, communication is the backbone of peace. It is one of the few reasons a country can dwell in a stable condition for an immeasurable amount of time.

3. Improving students welfare

In every school, there has to be a thorough consideration of the students’ welfare versus the amount of money they pay as school fees. This is because students will always complain or resort to violence if they feel like they haven’t been given what they expect in terms of;

  • Feeding
  • Accommodation
  • Light privileges
  • Entertainment
  • Education standards

If the school happens to have a modest fees structure, it is then necessary for teachers to communicate with students about what and what not to expect as long as they’re students there. Without a clear understanding of what they can and can’t have, students will probably become chaotic.

4. Emphasizing equality in school

In every school, all students have to be treated equally regardless of their age, gender, tribe, religion or physical condition. However, some schools discriminate among students, thus making the less favored groups feel left out.

If that keeps going on for a while, it creates a state of imbalance within the school, leading to strikes in extreme circumstances.

5. Regular class meetings

Class meetings are one of the best ways to maintain a state of peace and calm in the school, and to prevent strikes. Below are the things that make class meetings effective;

  • Roll calling students to monitor attendance and detect conspiring students by identifying the absentees
  • Communicating with students to maintain order
  • Gathering feedback from the students and forwarding it to the administrators
  • Guiding and counseling students

This is not an absolute formula to prevent student strikes, but a major measure to keep in touch and know what the students think.

6. Involving parents

Parents play a key role in guiding students on how to be the best version of themselves. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to involve parents as soon as you detect that a student is about to indulge in group-influenced strike.

7. Use of suggestion box

While in a class meeting, there are so many things that students might be afraid to tell you because they’re scared you’ll get mad or just shy.

When you put a suggestion box in place, there are some students that’ll write disrespectful stuff in it, while others will suggest constructive ideas.

Afterwards, it is important that you come out and address their concerns as a way of encouraging them to make more use of it.

8. Emphasizing school rules and regulations

School rules and regulations are the bread and butter of every school’s discipline. This implies that if students follow the rules pretty well, a strike may never be unseen or unheard of. But how do we emphasize the school rules?

  • Pinning the rules on all noticeboards in schools
  • Handing a copy of school rules to every new student
  • Giving punishments to students that break rules, without flinching
  • Nominating effective prefects that can work together with the school administration

By enforcing the rules, students become pretty aware that every action of theirs amounts to severe consequences.

9. Knowing students by names

So many teachers underestimate the power of knowing students by names. This is because lots of students indulge in chaotic acts because they believe they can get away with it. This is why teachers should learn students’ names by;

  • Interacting with all students on a personal basis
  • Making sure that all students participate in your lesson
  • Asking students for their names

When students know that you know them by name, it makes them  a little cautious about how much they can indulge.

10. Being friendly to students

Making friends with students is an effective way to maintain peace and keep the students in check. This is because friendliness puts you in a position to do things like;

  • Advise them on how they can keep in a clear path
  • Guide and counsel them
  • Know what hurts or concerns them by simply asking

Of course, the nature and temperament of your student ill also play a key role in determining whether they’ll keep in the right path. However, your relationship with them will play a key role.


Strikes happen due to the few loopholes that if tightened, some people would call it overstepping. Therefore, it’s important for all teachers to learn to detect what could go wrong, so they can quickly implement solutions and prevent a possible catastrophe.