10 qualities of a good teacher

Being good or bad in any profession in the world, is determined by your habits. For teachers, it’s the same case as well. The things you do every day determine how you will get along with everyone around you, and influence them accordingly. Our habits are influenced by;

  • Our beliefs
  • Moral upbringing
  • Level of self-discipline
  • Passion and/or motivation
  • External influence

Considering the above factors and more, the article below discusses the qualities of a good teacher – which also determine the possibility of positively influencing their students. The qualities include;

1. Punctuality

As far as productivity and efficiency are concerned, time management is a key ingredient. This is in form of coming early, leaving early and accomplishing tasks in the appropriate time. Below are some of the benefits of punctuality;

  • The teacher has enough time to execute all the necessary tasks
  • It’s hard to rush because everything is done in time
  • Enables production of quality work
  • Maintains proper order and neatness

Every smart teacher has figured out a way to keep themselves on time, and that always helps uplift their careers to positively influence their students.

2. Confidence

First of all, confidence doesn’t mean you know everything. It only means you’re sure of what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. Confidence can mean the difference between making students pass or fail, and here’s how;

  • Enables teachers to properly convey lessons to learners
  • Allows teachers to maintain their composure in challenging times
  • Makes it easier for teachers to face colleagues, administrators and parents

Of course, there are so many teachers out there that have more confidence than expertise, but it only gets them a short distance. Therefore, you have to first work on your craft.

3. Relationship with learners/ students

It’s normal for teachers to feel like there has to be a gap between them and their students, and their negative attitude is understandable. Ideally, every teacher needs to form a positive relationship with their students because;

  • Makes you approachable for learners to consult
  • Students feel at ease even when you’re around
  • It eliminates fear as a cause of student failure

So many students feel uncomfortable approaching teachers with a somewhat bad attitude or what looks like it. Therefore, a good teacher-student relationship is important.

4. Adherence to teaching syllabus

No matter how different schools might seem, they all usually adhere to a certain teaching syllabus. In Uganda, every school adheres to the National Curriculum Development Center (NCDC) dictated syllabus.

Every good teacher has to comply with the dictated syllabus in the following ways;

  • Teaching and covering the entire dictated syllabus
  • Keeping students within the range of relevant topics
  • Guiding students on questions and how to answer them correctly

Even though it seems quite obvious that teachers have to follow the syllabus, some teachers are hindered by both internal and external factors.

5. Use of motivating techniques

You’re not paid to keep the students interested and motivated to learn and pass any subject. But if you do it anyway, it means you’re a good teacher. The following are some of techniques that teachers use;

  • Giving more attention to weak students
  • Using jokes to lighten up the atmosphere
  • Student-centered teaching

All these techniques first make students feel comfortable in the classroom and once that’s achieved, they can learn almost everything.

6. Proper use of teaching aids

Just like everything else, teaching has become a lot more advanced than it was way back. This is because more and more teaching aids are showing up, to make the profession a little easier. They include;

  • Charts
  • Globes
  • Chalkboard
  • Notice boards
  • Projectors
  • Computers
  • Learning platforms

As a teacher, knowing how to use these teaching aids, whether individually or combined, is one of the indicators that you’re a great teacher.

7. Feedback to students

The way you respond to students after they have submitted their work to you is also a great indicator of the kind of teacher that you are. Here are some recommended ways;

  • Giving a clear assessment of the students work, with their strengths and weaknesses explained to them
  • Advice on how they can improve on their performance clearly explained to them
  • Meeting with the students privately if that’s the most effective option at that moment
  • Refraining from abusive language or discouraging statements while issuing feedback
  • Giving students feedback on time

How you give feedback to your students is a great determinant of their attitude – let alone their next performance. Therefore good teachers are fully aware of that.

8. Appropriate administration of punishments

While dealing with students, it’s guaranteed that you’ll feel all sorts of emotions, including extreme anger. Sometimes, you’ll have to administer punishments to your students, and you have to avoid getting carried away by anger, otherwise;

  • You could cause permanent damage to students with pending illnesses
  • If reported to the school authorities, it could cost you your job
  • You could land in lawsuits

Therefore, the teachers that can detach or keep their emotions in check while responding to student contempt are good teachers.

9. Encouragement

While we were students, there was always that one teacher that we always felt like we could talk to in case we needed advice or motivation at any time. Being able to encourage students is important because;

  • Puts them back on the right track
  • Encouragement discourages some students from bad habits, more than punishment
  • Eliminates doubt in students with low self-esteem
  • Creates a good teacher-student relationship

A teacher who always makes it part of them to encourage students is a blessing because sometimes that’s all students need to get their act together.

10. Promoting cooperation

At the workplace and in the classroom, cooperation is extremely important and ideal. The following are some of the advantages of cooperation;

  • Students/ teachers are able to get things done faster
  • Maintains a good relationship between counterparts
  • Eliminates pointless grudges and their effects

A good teacher understands this, and makes it a point to promote cooperation among staff members and students.


It’s hard to have all these qualities, and I don’t believe that a perfect teacher exists. It’s all a lie. Therefore, every teacher can possess at least 5 of these qualities, as long as they start working on them. We’re all a work in progress, so no need to worry about your imperfections.