13 research-backed Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class

A noisy class is one of the most annoying things for every teacher. This is because it implies a lot of things which include;

  • They don’t understand what you’re teaching
  • You aren’t getting the respect you think you deserve
  • They’re not under your control
  • You’re being challenged

Before you further and flip or get totally emotional, take a moment to consider the fact that all these are the thoughts in your head, and they’ll get you nowhere close to solving the problem. Therefore, try some of the techniques in the article and see what works best for you.

1. Explain

Have you ever considered the fact that some students make noise in class because they’re trying to discuss what you taught, among themselves? This is a fact!

Therefore, the best way to start is by asking for their opinion, then going ahead to correct them until they understand. 

2. Call out by name

Some students make noise while hiding their faces because they think all is well as long as you can’t see them. This is even an advantage because if you know your students by name, you can call them out.

Calling a student by name makes them and the rest of their peers realize that you’ve got your eyes on them and that you’re watching their every move.

3. Storm in

This is so effective if you hadn’t been inside the class before the noise started – say you’re just coming in for your lesson.

Storming inside the classroom sends a chilling wave in your students, and this is a cue to start with your business.

4. Clap once, clap twice

For some students, coming in won’t be enough for them to notice that you’re inside. Therefore, clapping once or twice is a way to get their attention – a rude form of saying ‘Hey’.

5. Stand in a specific spot

Standing in one specific spot is like telling your students you won’t start on anything else unless you have their attention. Ideal points include;

  • At the entrance/ doorway
  • In the corner of the classroom
  • At the window

They’ll have no better option than lending you their ears.

6. Turn the lights off

Turning the lights off and on will get your students to pause whatever it is they were talking about to see who turned the lights off.

7. Stay cool

Once the students make you lose your composure, they’ve made you lose control over the classroom, Therefore, you have to stay cool and don’t let them inside your head.

8. Ignore certain behaviors

Not every little thing deserves your comment. Sometimes, all you have to do is nonverbally make your students know you’re aware of what they’ve done. They likely won’t push further with it unless they’re extremely insolent.

9. Scream

 Even though I don’t approve of this method, there are lots of people that use it, and it seems to work.

However, don’t use it on adult students – and it shouldn’t be prolonged to seem like you’ve joined the band.

10. Use nonverbal cues

There are so many ways that your body language can become a more useful and effective tool for communication with your students. By this, you can do things like;

  • Frown
  • Point at them
  • Tilt your head while maintaining eye contact
  • Shake your head in disapproval

These are some of the cues that show students that you’re not happy with how they’re handling their time in the classroom.

11. Thank quiet students

Although this might seem like an excessively humble and soft approach, there are so many students that will feel the need to be rewarded with a little thanks from you – thus being moved to stay silent.

12. Use a stop sign

Okay, this sounds a bit childish, but it can get the attention of even your adult students. Getting and holding a stop sign high above your shoulders is one way to show your students that you’ve had enough.

13. Have them stand

Telling your students to stand up right away is one way to put all their conversations to a temporary end. They’ll expect you to say something or address them on a serious note, and that’s what you need to grab their attention by the horns.


All the above tips have just one thing in common: they grab the attention of your students – and that’s the first step towards getting them to keep their mouths shut. However, that doesn’t mean that they won’t make any more noise. It’s what you do afterwards that retains their attention and keeps them from making noise.