7 noble obligations of a teacher besides teaching

Being a teacher doesn’t only mean being active in the classroom. There are many other roles that a teacher has to play outside the domain of a classroom.

This is because the maintenance or order and prevention of chaos depend on the teaching staff, and controlling students is one of the things that are taught along before you graduate as a teacher. This article contains the noble obligations of every professional teacher in school besides teaching;

1. Instilling discipline in the learners

You might have already realized that students, especially in the boarding section spend the larger part of their childhood in school, than at home with their parents. This implies that school is responsible for almost all formal and informal lessons they learn.

Here’s how the school can instill discipline in learners;

  • Teaching them how to be disciplined
  • Giving mild punishments to undisciplined students
  • Doing away with students that can’t change, because they are a bad influence to their peers

A school with disciplined students is not so hard to run, and everyone knows that. That’s why maintaining the standards of your school will help create peace and stability.

2. Ensuring sanitation

Proper sanitation is key for every school. I mean, which parent or visitor would be impressed if they found a littered compound. Therefore, it’s the teachers that have to make sure that everything remains clean and neat, by doing the following;

  • Assigning students with roles like cleaning the compound
  • Participating in  sanitation activities
  • Supervising the students that are cleaning the compound
  • Issuing penalties to students that refuse to clean, or litter the compound

Some schools have actually made it compulsory for teachers to assign students these activities and supervise them – and the results are impressive.

3. Guidance and counseling

It’s not like teachers are supposed to be professional substitute therapists, but students always need to be guided – and that’s the noble obligation of every teacher to participate in. Here are some areas where students need to be guided;

  • On their academic performance
  • Their discipline and conduct
  • About their approach to different subjects
  • Relationship with fellow students
  • Personal matters

The more you guide your students, the higher their chances of excelling, and you’ll probably have fewer headaches.

4. Attending staff meetings

This might not seem like much of a big deal, but it’s extremely important for every teacher to attend staff meetings. This is because;

  • They are kept in the loop on all the ongoing programs
  • It creates a good impression in front of your superiors
  • You get to express your thoughts, that includes your grievances and suggestions on how to solve them for the better

Sometimes, the urge to miss some meetings is huge, and maybe you have a lot of excuses at hand. However, resisting the urge to miss the meetings is the right way to go

5. Participation in co-curricular activities

Co-curricular activities are a significant part of school activities, and it’s highly recommended for both teachers and students to engage in these activities. Here are the advantages;

  • Physical and mental health
  • It reduces stress and fatigue
  • Promotes unity between teachers that participate in these activities
  • It’s a source of motivation

It isn’t compulsory for a teacher to engage in co-curricular activities, but it’s close to the best thing you can do for yourself.

6. Running student clubs

Student clubs are some of the coolest things for students. This is because they unite students with talents and help them foster them. Examples of popular students clubs include;

  • Writers’ club
  • Information club
  • Interact club
  • Music Dance and Drama club

Teachers are supposed to organize students into clubs and lead them all the way, so as to achieve the best results. If done right, students will apply all the knowledge they gain here, into other parts of their lives.

7. Conducting class meetings

Sometimes, it all looks like class meetings are not important, until something really chaotic happens, and an emergency class meeting is called. No matter how negligible they might seem, class meetings are important because;

  • Helps you converge all the students at the same time and in the same place
  • Enables you to pass on important information to the students
  • Gives students a chance to raise their concerns
  • Enables the class monitor to communicate to students properly

There are so many times that certain things have to be addressed, and the best way is to call for a meeting – or else you’ll never get your message to all students.


Of course, nobody is going to pay you for these things, but your bosses aren’t blind – and like it or not, there will come a time that you’ll need that extra merit. But besides being awarded and all that, doing these things will give you peace of mind and proper mental health.