Roll your sleeves and get your hands dirty, Prime Minister to graduates

The Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja has advised young university graduates on job creation, highlighting that innovation and science promotion are pillars for total transformation of the country.

“Hard work pays; however, I have to remind you that the new chapter you are taking on will require a practical approach to succeed. You will need to roll your sleeves and get your hands dirty, and of course, make money and earn a living,’’ she said.

“There are a number of principles to success. Time management, if you know how to use your time, then you know that success is knocking on your door,” she added.

While delivering her keynote speech at the 6th graduation ceremony of the University of Kisubi on Saturday, the prime minister urged students to have a positive attitude towards work and not to be limited by the certificates they have acquired.

“The other is the number and type of people you surround yourself with matters a lot. You need to have the right choice for your peers. The other thing is the lifestyle, especially the way you handle yourself. I want you to remember that we still have HIV/AIDs,’’ she said.

She added that avoiding the temptations of drugs and alcohol was also key to making themselves good citizens.

“Avoid alcoholism. Make sure that you have the right plans for your family, community and country. Education is the biggest inheritance one can give to the future generation.”

The Prime Minister noted that in order to boost innovation and technology, Government has earmarked 50 scholarships for science students studying at the University of Kisubi every year.

“Innovation and technology will drive our country,” she said, noting she will use her powers as the Prime Minister to ensure that the money/arrears the university demands from Government are paid.

Prime ministerRobinah NabbanjaUniversity of kisubi