Special roles assigned to teachers besides teaching

In a school, everyone doesn’t do the same thing. Teachers are assigned different responsibilities around the school premises, and this is to make sure that;

  • The school is maintained in an orderly state
  • Teachers are given more respect
  • The administration doesn’t need to hire extra staff to take care of the responsibilities

Every title you’re about to read in this article below, comes along with a list of responsibilities that the assigned teacher has to fulfill, in order to maintain order and organization within the school premises. They include;

1. Head teacher

In government schools, the head teacher is the top most official in school while in private schools, the head teacher is second to the proprietor/ director. The position doesn’t discriminate between gender or age, and below are the responsibilities;

  • Oversees everything that takes place within the school
  • In charge of all staff
  • Has authority to make daily organizational decisions on a daily basis in school

2. Deputy head teacher (not all schools)

Usually, public schools have the deputy head teacher, so they can assist the head teacher in running the affairs of the school. Usually, these are the things the deputy head teacher does;

  • Fills in when the head teacher is absent
  • Serves as immediate replacement for the head teacher upon demotion, resignation or death

3. DOS

The Dean of Studies (DOS) is the head of all studies, and is responsible for all the education-related activities in the school. These are some of the things that the DOS does;

  • Supervises all academic studies and reports to the head teacher
  • Oversees the process of setting, issuing and marking examinations
  • Makes sure all syllabuses are completed and taught right
  • Ensures the availability teaching aids

4. Disciplinary master/ mistress

This is an active teacher entrusted with all the responsibilities relating to keeping the students in line. The disciplinary master/ mistress does the following;

  • Issues punishments to notorious students, usually having to place their signature on every suspension/ expulsion letter
  • Heads disciplinary meetings
  • Hands over a disciplinary report to the head teacher
  • Sees to it that teachers don’t issue inhuman or heavy punishments

5. Warden

The warden is sometimes not an active teacher, because he is usually entrusted with many roles which include;

  • Heading the security team/ guards of the school
  • Making sure the boys’ dormitories are calm and peaceful
  • Waking boys up in the morning and making sure that the dormitories remain empty
  • Detecting and taking action on conspiracies or acts of violence among the boys

6. Matron

The matron is entrusted to take care of all girls in the designated boarding section. This is what she does;

  • Sees to it that all girls exercise proper hygiene
  • Makes sure the girls’ dormitories are calm and peaceful
  • Wakes girls up in the morning and makes sure that the dormitories remain empty
  • Detects and reports conspiracies and suspicions of violent acts to higher authorities

7. Librarian

The librarian is usually not a functional teacher, because the library has to be open and accessible by all students all through the day. Therefore, a librarian does the following roles;

  • Keeps all books in the library safe
  • Lends books to students and teachers and makes sure they are returned
  • Maintains order in the library
  • Makes sure the library is clean and secure

8. Food/ dining master

The roles of the food/ dining master all pertain to the proper dieting needs of the students at school. Here’s what the dining master does;

  • Makes sure all students have their meals in time
  • Supervises and tests the quality of meals given to students
  • Makes sure the dining and kitchen are clean and presentable
  • Responsible for hiring and firing cooks where need arises

9. Games teacher

The games teacher is entrusted with all the roles and responsibilities in games and sports and they include;

  • Organizing sports events during every term
  • Maintaining the games/ sport facilities in the school premises
  • Awarding the winners in the various organized tournaments
  • Making sure that games don’t discourage students from studying

10. Head of department

This teacher is entrusted the responsibility to lead teachers in their specific department, for example the Arts department, Science department, etc. Their responsibilities include;

  • Takes care of all teachers under their department
  • Looks out for students under their department
  • Handles complaints made about teachers in that department

11. Health master

This is the teacher that is charged with the health-related responsibilities to all the students, especially in regard to the diseases that are easily treatable within the school. The responsibilities include;

  • Makes sure that the sick bay/ school dispensary is fully stocked
  • Sensitizes students about how they can guard their health
  • Makes sure that students are kept under better health conditions

12. Class teacher

This is the teacher that is responsible for everything that takes place in a specific class. This means that they’ve been entrusted the responsibility of overseeing the academic performance of all students in that class. The class teacher’s roles include;

  • Writes students reports at the end of every term
  • Promotes or demotes students
  • Organizes the election of class leaders


The school always has both teaching and non-teaching staff. Of course, some will seem more important than others because of how quick they can or can’t be replaced. However, it doesn’t mean they are not important – because everyone has their own job to do for the betterment of the school.