Strike over Man U, Man City match claims a student at Gulu High School.


The students wrought havoc on the school premises after the school management declined to broadcast a live English Premier League match between Manchester City and Manchester United.

One student has been confirmed dead, and a long slew of others reportedly injured in the aftermath of a violent student’s strike at Gulu Central High School on Sunday night.

The deceased has been identified as Gabriel Rwotomiya, a Senior Three student at the school who was shot climbing a mango tree, as the police were striving to restore peace among the rowdy students.

The students wrought havoc on the school premises after the school management declined to broadcast a live English Premier League match between Manchester City and Manchester United. In the game that started at 7:30pm, Manchester City beat their rival 4-1.

According to an eye witness, Alfred Otema who is also the Bwonagweno village local chairperson where the school is located, the situation went out of hand when the students started pelting the roof with stones demanding that the match be broadcast.

Otema reveals that the school management called the police after futile attempts by some students leaders, security guards and teachers to calm down the students. However, push came to shove when a group of rowdy students attacked the police officer who retaliated by firing teargas.

This, however, didn’t help, forcing the police to seek help from the army. The joint security then used live ammunition to disperse the students, hitting two of them.

According to one of the neighbours of the school, the sound of bullets did not stop the rowdy students from pelting the school premises with stones and destroying the school bush.

Gulu Central High School campus

He said that several students sustained deep cuts and wounds and were profusely bleeding while trying to jump over the barbed wire fence. He noted that two girls fell unconscious in front of his door as they tried to evade arrest during the commotion, which lasted over two hours.

Police towed the destroyed school bus registration number UAP 084 U to Gulu Central police station. Security has maintained its presence at the school premised.

Since its inception in 1988 by Dr David Onen, Gulu high school is one of the leading mixed-day and boarding schools in northern Uganda.