UBTEB to construct headquarters worth Ugx 30 billion upon 10th Anniversary.

Theproposed plan of the new UBTEB headqaurters

The President of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, represented by Minister of general duties in the Office of Prime Minister, Rt Hon Justine Kasule Lumumba graced the ceremony for the construction of Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB) Headquarters.

This happened on Wednesday at Hotel Africana as UBTEB celebrated 10 years of service under the mandate: “To enhance Competence-based Assessment for Competitive Labour Force and Economic Development.”

In her keynote speech, Minister Lumumba highlighted the need to assist the graduates with the necessary tools as they aspire to become job creators.

“We as the government also need to provide tool kits for the graduates because many cannot afford them, yet they will need to employ themselves and be able to employ others,” Lumumba said.

Minister Lumumba cutting the cake at hotel Africana

She also congratulated UBTEB upon making ten years of consistently delivering services that empower job creators to diversify the economy.

The Headquarters

After the celebrations, Hon Lumumba commissioned the construction of the new UBTEB headquarters, located at Kyambogo Hill, Plot 891, Kigobe Ward in Nakawa division, Kampala.

Minister Lumba officiating the construction of UBTEB headquarters

The multi-storeyed building that’s expected to host all UBTEB related activities is worth Ugx 30 billion, and will potentially save an estimated Ugx 600 million worth of rent expenditures annually, upon completion.

Contracted by the Seyani Brothers, the project is fully funded by the Government of Uganda, and the Ministry of Education will be responsible for inspecting and monitoring the works of the contractor.

The Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board is a statutory national assessment body established by an act of Parliament and mandated to streamline, regulate, coordinate and conduct credible national examinations and award Certificates and diplomas in the Business, Technical and Vocational professions in Uganda.

As they mark a decade in service, UBTEB gives more hope for gender equality in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) professions, given the increasing number of females.

According to Minister Justine Lumumba, the main goal is inclusivity of everyone regardless of their gender or background.

“We are all working towards leaving no one behind,” she said.