Malaba T/Ship Primary School Population, Location, and KCPE Results
Malaba T/Ship Primary School has 1224 pupils, and is found in Amagoro Division particularly the Amagoro Zone of Teso North Sub County in Busia County.
Number of Teachers at Malaba T/Ship Primary School
There are 23 government teachers (TSC), and 0 supported by the Board of management (BOM). With 1224 pupils, the school has a teacher shortage of 2 teachers.
Institution ID for Malaba T/Ship Primary School is 147018064056, District Code of 0659, and County Code of 37.
Malaba T/Ship Primary School Busia Student Population and Physical Classes
The school has a total enrollment of 1224 pupils. It is position 304 in ranking among the most populated Primary schools in Kenya.
Out of the 1224 pupils attending their basic education at Malaba T/Ship Primary School in Teso North, 576 are boys and 648 are girls.
This Primary School has 24 classes to accommodate the over 1224 pupils.
Malaba T/Ship Primary School Pupil Population Distribution Per Class from Grade 1 to Class 8
Class |
Number of Boys |
Number of Girls |
Total |
1 (One) | 51 | 46 | 97 |
2 (Two) | 46 | 64 | 110 |
3 (Three) | 62 | 100 | 162 |
4 (Four) | 82 | 105 | 187 |
5 (Five) | 81 | 78 | 159 |
6 (Six) | 96 | 92 | 188 |
7 (Seven) | 90 | 75 | 165 |
8 (Eight) | 68 | 88 | 156 |
TOTAL | 576 | 648 | 1224 |
How to Access Malaba T/Ship Primary School – Busia 2019 KCPE Results
To access the 2019 KCPE Results for Malaba T/Ship Primary School, click here to download the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education 2019 KCPE Result slip for Malaba T/Ship Primary School pupils.
Or, simply copy this link to your internet browser:
Login with the required details.
Alternatively, for individual KCPE results, SMS the candidates KCPE index number to 20076 via you mobile phone.
Summary of Malaba T/Ship Primary School – Teso North Details
Institution ID | 147018064056 |
County | Busia |
Sub County | Teso North |
Division | Amagoro |
Zone | Amagoro |
Enrollment | 1224 |
Physical Classes | 24 |
Permanent Teachers | 23 |
BOM Teachers | 0 |
Postal Address | Pending |
Phone Number | Pending |
Name of HeadTeacher | Pending |
School Website | Pending |
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