Omany Primary School Population, Location, and 2023 KCPE Results
Omany Primary School has 137 pupils, and is found in Miwani Division particularly the Masogo Zone of Muhoroni Sub County in Kisumu County. Here are the details of Omany Primary School, with its 2020 KCPE examinations results.
Number of Teachers at Omany Primary School
There are 7 government teachers (TSC), and 0 supported by the Board of management (BOM). With 137 pupils, the school has a teacher shortage of 2 teachers.
Institution ID for Omany Primary School is 147016124141, District Code of 0732, and County Code of 40.
Omany Primary School Kisumu Student Population and Physical Classes
The school has a total enrollment of 137 pupils. It is position 19474 in ranking among the most populated Primary schools in Kenya.
Out of the 137 pupils attending their basic education at Omany Primary School in Muhoroni, 74 are boys and 63 are girls.
This Primary School has 8 classes to accommodate the over 137 pupils.
Omany Primary School Pupil Population Distribution Per Class from Grade 1 to Class 8
Class |
Number of Boys |
Number of Girls |
Total |
1 (One) | 7 | 14 | 21 |
2 (Two) | 13 | 4 | 17 |
3 (Three) | 11 | 8 | 19 |
4 (Four) | 6 | 6 | 12 |
5 (Five) | 13 | 6 | 19 |
6 (Six) | 8 | 9 | 17 |
7 (Seven) | 8 | 9 | 17 |
8 (Eight) | 8 | 7 | 15 |
TOTAL | 74 | 63 | 137 |
How to Access Omany Primary School – Kisumu 2020 KCPE Examinations Results
To access the 2020 KCPE Examinations Results for Omany Primary School, click here to download the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education 2019 KCPE Result slip for Omany Primary School pupils.
Or, simply copy this link to your internet browser:
Log in with the required details.
Alternatively, for individual KCPE exam results on your mobile phone, SMS the candidate’s KCPE index number to 20076 via your mobile phone.
Summary of Omany Primary School – Muhoroni Details
Institution ID | 147016124141 |
County | Kisumu |
Sub County | Muhoroni |
Division | Miwani |
Zone | Masogo |
Enrollment | 137 |
Physical Classes | 8 |
Permanent Teachers | 7 |
BOM Teachers | 0 |
Postal Address | Pending |
Phone Number | Pending |
Name of HeadTeacher | Pending |
School Website | Pending |
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