Amuru teachers held over sexual harassment allegations.

Police in Amuru district have arrested and detained two teachers for allegedly molesting female pupils during night class sessions.

The suspects who were apprehended and detained at Amuru Central Police Station on Wednesday, are teachers at St Anthony Padua Primary School, Labongo village, Pagak Parish in Amuru district.

Based on the accusations, the teachers have been summoning pupils (boys and girls) whose ages ranged between 14 and 19 to one of the classrooms without light during night classes and fondling them as punishment for misbehavior in class.

“They undress these pupils, beat them, and in most cases play with their private parts irrespective of their gender,” Mr David Ocira, the Amuru Sub County chairperson said.

Mr Ocira said that he received a call from a member of the Parents and Teachers’ Association (PTA) of the school complaining that his child had reported to him about the practice.

“On March 8, I received information from a parent of the acts of the two teachers, and yesterday, an investigation was launched including a visit to the school by local leaders and police to question other teachers, and pupils on the allegations,” he said.

Consequently, Mr Ocira revealed that seven female pupils confessed to being harassed by the accused teachers. . Mr Geoffrey Osborn Oceng, the Amuru Resident District Commissioner (RDC) confirmed the arrest of the two teachers saying the duo is in police custody at Amuru Police Station while investigations continue.

On Thursday, Mr Joseph Nsabimana, the Amuru District Police Commander confirmed the arrest of the duo without disclosing many details.

Learners at all levels have always been by the Uganda Human Rights Commission to always report similar cases of molestation, so that the practitioners can be brought to justice.

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