CID recovers Shs 11.6 billion stolen from teachers’ fund

The Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) has recovered another Shs 7.8 billion in the progressing investigation of mass embezzlement that hit the teachers’ revolving fund. President Yoweri Museveni pledged and ordered for release of Shs 25 billion purposely to improve the welfare of primary school teachers.

It was discovered later on that more than Ugx 11 billion fell prey to illegitimate groups that posed as Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisations (SACCOs). The groups attracted unsuspecting teachers to join, and they later paid for loans they never took.

After dozens of teachers were fed up of paying for loans they didn’t take, they sought the help of the CID, that was then headed by Grace Akullo. She then tasked the Central Government Unit to investigate, apprehend and prosecute every perpetrator involved in the grand scam.

After a thorough probe into the matter, detectives caught up with 42 associations that were created by non teachers that took advantage of teachers’ ignorance and financial desperation..

On the upside however, more than 200 SACCOs benefited from the Ugx 25 billion fund. Detectives have revealed that many of the culprits confessed to stealing the money and begged to be given chance to refund it.

“When we started picking them from their hideouts, many pleaded to be given time to refund this money,” a detective revealed. “They were given a government account and they have returned Shs 7.8 billion. This is very good for us because our aim was to recover this money.”

Some of the bogus Saccos created by the elite gang include;
Gulu Integrated Teachers’ Sacco
Iganga Based Teachers’ Sacco
Kasese Municipal Sacco
Kigulu Integrated Sacco
Entebbe Municipal Sacco
Mpigi Teachers’ Sacco
Busaana Teachers’ Sacco.

Other briefcase Sacco that have been under probe include Nakigo Teachers’ Sacco, Gomba Teachers’ Sacco, Kiruhura Teachers’ Sacco, Wakiso Teachers’ Sacco, Isikiro Teachers’ Sacco and Kakiri Teachers Sacco.

“As we wind up this investigations, we checked on the account and we have been pleasantly surprised to find that Shs 7.8 billion has been refunded,” another detective said, further explaining, “When we add to that the Shs 3.8 billion we recovered at the start of this probe, we have so far successfully recovered Shs 11.6 billion.”

When the investigations had just kicked off, CID discovered that many of the recipients of the money were not teachers, and some were even contesting for leadership positions, so used the money to fund their own campaigns or sponsored their spouses.

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