Ugandan Head teacher goes rogue; steals 35 school desks.


A government aided school with limited furniture in Apac district
  • Lydia Alum, the proprietor of Mother Anna Nursery P/S claims that she requested to borrow the 35 desks from the school, but the head teacher instead offered to sell them, with an explanation that they had more than what was needed for all learners.

The Uganda police in Apac district of Northern Uganda has kick-started an investigation of the head teacher of Odokomac primary school,  Geoffrey Eya, following allegations that he orchestrated the theft of 35 school desks.

Eya is reportedly responsible for illegally selling these 35 desks to a private school; Mother Anna nursery and primary school, without the knowledge of the municipal leaders and the school management committee.

The stolen desks came along with the 164 that were donated to the school by the Japanese Embassy in Uganda under the Grant Assistance Program. It’s alleged that Eya sold the desks at Shs 3.5 million on Wednesday this week.

This was followed by an immediate apprehension and detention of the suspect on Thursday, at Apac central police station following a complaint filed by Rev. Gilbert Opio, the chairperson school management committee.

Rev Opio revealed in an interview that the school does not have enough desks for its learners. A visit to the school premises shows that there are no desks for learners in the lower primary classes; P.1-P.3 with learners in these classes sitting on the floor.

In her defense, Lydia Alum, the proprietor of Mother Anna Nursery P/S claims that she requested to borrow the 35 desks from the school, but the head teacher instead offered to sell them, with an explanation that they had more than what was needed for all learners.

While Apac district police commander Jessica Naawe said the police had already launched an investigation into the matter, Agulu division councillor Moses Adoko Okello pledged to follow up the matter to reduce cases of abuse of government properties by some school headteachers.

Fostino Opila, the Apac Municipal education officer says that his office is overwhelmed with cases of theft of government properties in schools.

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