For your teaching career to go quite smoothly, you have to normalize preparation. This is because preparation is the key to productivity. This is because of the following reasons;
- Early preparation saves you from panicking
- Makes you more punctual
- Keeps your mind and body organized
- Helps you save energy to use it while working
Due to the above and more advantages, it is important for you to prepare adequately for your next day, because that’s what professionals do. In this article, we discuss 10 of the things you have to prepare;
Your work is the first and foremost thing you have to prepare before the next teaching day because it’s the most important, and other things can come next. Here are the ways you can prepare;
1. Study the syllabus content
The entire syllabus isn’t something you can just grasp in your head and never get wrong. Even though you think you know all the details in your head, you have to be guided on how to approach the topics systematically.
Therefore, take the time to study the syllabus content and that way, you’ll find out how to deliver it.
2. Prepare scheme of work using the syllabus
Order is everything, and you know that. One of the ways that you can get yourself ready for an active teaching day is by preparing the scheme of work.
This will help you figure out what to start with, what goes in the middle and what to finish with.
3. Prepare the lesson plan
A lesson plan is crucial in the creation of a successful lesson. This is because it guides the teacher on how to conduct the lesson. Here are the parts of a lesson plan;
- Lesson topic
- Class objectives
- Procedure
- Time management
- Student practice
Looking at the contents of a lesson plan, I’m sure you now know how important it will be in enabling you summarize the activities of your entire lesson.
4. Prepare your teaching methods
This is one of the most important things. How you portray the message to students greatly determines whether they will be able to understand you or internalize what you teach them. Here are some of the teaching methods;
- Hands-on teaching
- Project-based teaching
- Brainstorming
- Virtual learning
When you prepare and organize your teaching methods, you end up conducting your lesson successfully.
5. Prepare teaching aids
Teaching aids are the equipment that you’ll use while teaching, for efficiency and effectiveness of your lesson. Some of them include;
- Chalk
- Computers
- Charts and maps
- Projector
There are many other tools, of course, but some can only be prepared while you’re at school, and others in the classroom.
6. Prepare notes
Your notes are as important as you can imagine. When I was in high school, I saw some of our teachers enter the classroom without a book and dictate all notes off the top of their heads. That’s a bad practice.
Preparing your notes is one of the ways to deliver your work to the students in an organized and orderly manner. This will also determine how they remember or attempt questions using what you taught them.
Besides just your work, there are some other things you have to consider while preparing for your next day. They include;
1. Your clothes
Of course, what you wear is important, and this can waste your time if you prepare at the last moment. Preparations under this include;
- Washing your clothes
- Ironing your clothes
- Polishing your shoes
- Looking for your socks
When you prepare your clothes earlier enough, you eliminate the possibility of delaying or dressing improperly.
2. Means of transport
It’s so important to think of, and prepare how and when you’ll go to work. This means you’ll have to know what transport means to use and when you’ll use them. That’s determined by;
- The distance between your residence and the school
- Whether or not you have personal transport means
- The available public transport means in your area
Final thoughts;
So many people have turned their careers around by simply learning and getting themselves used to preparing for their next work day. If you’ve just started trying to get yourself in order, this won’t be easy, but the magic is in doing it repeatedly until you get used to it.
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