Every professional or working person knows that if you ever want to achieve massive results, there are some things besides your skills, that determine a lot about whether things will be easy or hard for you.
This article is not like a list of ingredients which should all be involved to make a great meal. However, you have to have some of these in addition to your teaching prowess, to make your lessons a little more effective than they are.
1. A good environment
The environment in which a teacher teaches depends on the school, where it’s situated and how the structures are designed, in conjunction with the people that they work around. A good environment has the following benefits on a teacher;
- Promotes a healthy workflow
- Makes teachers more creative and confident
- Promotes proper focus and concentration
- Fosters cooperation among teachers
- Makes teachers worry less about being fired
On the other side, there are so many good teachers whose effectiveness is limited by the environment that they work in, making them look like bad teachers.
2. Curriculum
The curriculum makes the teacher. This is because it’s like the skeleton of the entire way that teachers will teach. Here’s how the curriculum is extremely relevant;
- Determines what style of learning that all the schools will have to adopt
- Dictates the tools and materials that teachers will use to educate students
- Determines how many levels of education students have to go through until completion
When the teacher follows the curriculum as they have to, you’ll hardly find cases of teachers whose career is unfulfilling.
3. Teaching plan/ schedule
A schedule is very important because it is one way that the body and brain can always work I harmony. The following are the advantages of a teaching schedule to every teacher.
- Dictates how much time every teacher will spend in the classroom
- Determines the speed with which teachers will teach
- Makes the teacher able to design a complete lesson plan
While there are some people that work without a schedule, that’s the luxury that teachers just can’t afford.
4. Syllabus
The syllabus is subject to the curriculum. This is like the step by step guide on how to provide information to students while adhering to the curriculum. Its advantages include;
- Provides the sense of direction to students’ education journey
- Acts as a basis for the creation of notes or even publication of reference books
- Dictates the scope and depth of how much the students have to learn
5. Lesson plan
While so many teachers will just enter the classroom and freestyle their way through a lesson, every organized teacher has to have a detailed lesson plan because of its advantages like;
- Guiding the teacher on how they’ll follow the time frames to deliver an effective lesson
- Dictating the speed upon which the teacher will complete or cover the syllabus
- Creating a rhythmic flow of information from the teacher to the students with ease
All in all, a lesson plan is one of the things that can always prove that you’re serious about your lessons and are willing to achieve your goals thereof.
6. Teaching notes
Even though some subjects encourage students to make their own notes, there are some where you just need the teacher’s notes. Here are the advantages of teaching notes;
- Helping students understand the hardest concepts even better
- Enabling students to have their own bank of information that they can access whenever they need to
- Easing the work of the teachers as they don’t have to try and memorize everything
The common ways that teachers give notes here are dictation and writing – while printing and issuing copies to students works just fine.
7. Teaching aids
There are so many objects that help teachers while they teach students. examples include chalkboards, dusters, rulers and chalk – and their advantages include;
- Patching the learning loopholes that the notes leave in students
- Making it easier for students to remember everything they’ve been taught as vividly as possible
- Giving students a more interactive experience with the knowledge they have acquired
8. Roll call
The bread and butter of student turn up is here. In every classroom, every teacher should have a roll call list containing all students’ names and where to indicate that they have attended or not. Here are the advantages of a roll call;
- Enables all students to attend class
- Helps the teacher identify the notorious students and single them out
- Makes other students afraid of missing classes
Possessing a roll call list will be effective because it will force the students to attend your lessons.
9. Grading system
The grading system is a great resource for any and every teacher.. this is because of the following reasons;
- Acts as the yardstick upon which students can know their capacity
- Helps teachers identify and help the students that are somewhat weak or lacking in some areas
Grading systems vary and change over time, therefore memorizing them is not safe. Instead, you just have to understand.
10. Authority
While authority is an intangible necessity, it’s very important as far as the effectiveness of a teacher in the classroom is concerned. Its advantages include;
- Enables the teacher teach students more effectively through penalties where need be
- Commands respect from the student toward the teacher
While authority is very important, the people that have it are supposed to be checked so they don’t get out of line.
For a seed to grow, it first has to be good and genuine – then other factors can easily come to play. If a teacher is not good enough, even all the above requirements can’t make things any easier. Therefore you have to take an introspective look at yourself as a teacher and find out what’s not right, so you can set it right as soon as possible.
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